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As the cost of electricity and gas increases it's never been more important to conserve energy and also save not only money but the environment in the process. At Addiss Electrical we are conscious of how our everyday lives affect the environment and our monthly bills. On this page we would like to share a few energy saving tips with you and many of them are very small changes that won't have a negative impact on your day-to-day living but will definitely have an impact on your energy bills. Simple things like switching off lights when leaving a room, even if it is only for a few minutes can make a difference to your energy consumption.


Fitting energy saving light bulbs where possible will also save energy and typically last longer than traditional bulbs. Many modern LED T.V. sets also have energy saving features that reduce the brightness of your set and in turn uses less electricity. Other items in the home can also be a drain on your energy bills, so when choosing a new fridge or washing machine for example they will carry an energy rating sticker that tells you how efficient the product is (A-G) with A being the most efficient, so try to factor this in to your buying decisions.

Replace all incandescent bulbs with energy saving bulbs.



Use energy




your home.

Replace all incandescent

bulbs with energy saving bulbs.

Take a


instead of

a bath.

Where possible

use solar powered products such

as an

IKEA desk lamp.


an energy monitor.

Site designed by Klam Design

Our service:
• Rewiring
• New circuits i.e shower/cookers
• Fuse board upgrades
• Extra power sockets
• Extra T.V./Satellite points
• Extra telephone points
• Storage Heaters / Convection heaters
• Central heating control wiring
• Power to sheds & garages
• Power hot tubs/pools
• Outside sockets/lighting
• Electrical Testing & inspecting
All of our electrical work comes with a 12 month warranty.
Tel: 01425 272836 Mobile: 07809884314
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